

2190 Uppsatser om Principal responsibility, - Sida 1 av 146

Samverkan kring mobbning på högstadiet. Intervjuer med rektor, skolkurator och lärare

The purpose with this essay is to describe how the principal, social worker and the teacher work to prevent bullying at school. The following questions have been discussed:Does the school have an action plan for bullying, and if so, what does it say? Who has the practical responsibility for making sure that the plan is followed, and how does that responsibility work? How is the responsibility divided between the different professions? Are the children in any way active in the planning of the work against bullying? What does the children think about who has the main responsibility for stopping bullying?The method I have used in the essay is individual interviews with principals, welfare officers and teachers from two schools.My results show that the schools have different ways of handling bullying, and different forms of cooperation within the staff. One school have active students in the work against bullying in the form of classmate support (kamratstödjare). The social worker is used in different ways in the work against bullying.

Vem bär ansvar för Somalias internflyktingar?

The aim of this thesis is to examine the rights of internally displaced persons as well as finding out whose responsibility it is to maintain these rights. The questions being answered are: what policies, laws and conventions are addressing internally displaced persons in Somalia (mainly from within Somalia, UN and AU)? And; which principal similarities and differences in these documents are to find regarding what type of protection internally displaced persons can get? Whose responsibility is it to intervene if these rights and rules are not maintained? To answer these questions I have used a liberal-universal theoretical framework. The analysis is a describing case study of comparative nature between the Provisional Somalia Constitution, UN Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement and the Kampala Convention. The result shows that there are many different rights of internally displaced persons in Somalia.

Lärandemiljön i klassrummet : hur lärare och rektor kan bidra till en god lärandemiljö

Abstract  The purpose of this essay was to study understandings, determine the meening of a good learning environment in the school class, and how teachers and principal can contribute to it. On the basis of existing research that says: the common attitudes and standpoints between the school management and the teachers, is fundamental in case a good learning environment will occur in the classroom, the study has analyzed if the principal?s and the teacher?s attitudes in this study, are the same. The study is based on four main questions:  What is a good learning environment, according to teachers, principal and existing research?  How can teachers and principal contribute to a good learning environment, according to teachers, principal and existing research?  Do the teacher?s and principal?s attitudes concerning what defines a good learning environment, agree?   Do the teacher?s and principal?s attitudes concerning how teachers and principal can contribute to a good learning environment, agree?  To reply to the purpose of the study, five qualitative interviews were made. The interviews were done with five teachers and one principal, working in the same school. Research and litterature of interest, has been read, and these are presented in this essay. The study result shows that the existing research gives a wide definition of what a good learning environment is, and how a teacher and principal can contribute to it.

Att integrera matematik och språk : en kvalitativ textanalys av Lgr11

A new curriculum, Lgr11, was introduced in Sweden during the Autumn Semester 2011. My aim in this paper is to investigate whether an integrated and interdisciplinary approach is possible within this new Swedish curriculum.Firstly, I will describe the approach to integration and interdisciplinary work used in the new Swedish curriculum. Secondly, I will analyze whether the curriculum allows for an integrated and interdisciplinary work.The method used in this paper is a qualitative textual analysis and analyzing the new curriculum´s approach to integration and interdisciplinary education has been the focus. The analysis has been based on the explicit and implicit basics of integration and interdisciplinary work in the curriculum.I assume theories of subject integration and curricula to come up with my results in the paper.To conclude, the results of my analysis of the curriculum show that an integrated and interdisciplinary approach is not only possible, but it is also each school Principal's responsibility as well as part of each teacher`s objective. The Principal's responsibility is to ensure that the integration and interdisciplinary approach is undertaken in school. The curriculum is clear that teachers should let their students work interdisciplinary as well as vary their methods of teaching.

Vad kännetecknar ett bra ledarskap i skolan? : En intervjustudie

The purpose of the thesis is to find out what characterizes a good leadership in the school. Five persons from two different schools were interviewed. From one school the female vice principal was interviewed. From the other school four persons were interviewed ? the female principal, the male vice principal, a male teacher and a female teacher.  This was executed  to get a picture of their view on a successful leadership in the school.

Lojalitet och representation - Svenska statsrådsrollens tolkningsdilemman

The appointing of Swedish governmental officials has gone through a dramatic change the last nine years. The tradition of officials appointed due to their political experience has been traded against the appointing of experts. In this study I ask questions about this new way of appointing representatives effects how these officials interpret their role. An official that who has never been in the party before appointed, obviously cannot consider the principal of party. With the theoretical approach of normative representation theory (representational style) I perform case studies that shows some change.

Revisionsutskott - ett alibi för styrelsen?

Under den senare delen av 1900-talet inträffade ett antal företagsskandaler, såsom Enron och Worldcom, vilket föranledde ett bristande förtroendet för såväl styrelsers som revisorers arbete. För att återfå förtroende på den svenska marknaden introducerades Koden och en uppdatering av Aktiebolagslagen gjordes. En av de förtroendehöjande åtgärderna innebar att revisionsutskotten introducerades. Revisionsutskottens införande innebar ett tydliggörande av styrelseledamöternas arbetsuppgifter, men medförde samtidigt att huvudmannaskapsproblematiken i styrelsen aktualiserades. Vilket leder till vår problemformulering: Hur har revisionsutskottens införande påverkat ansvarsfördelning i styrelsen?För att kunna besvara vår frågeställning har vi genomfört kvalitativa intervjuer utifrån ett expertperspektiv.

Reformation of the credit rating industry - Is there a need?

The credit rating industry is a complex and fascinating industry. Its history stretches back more than 150 years and has gradually increased in importance. During its history the dynamics of the industry have changed. The extended-principal-agent model was developed by synthesizing different principal-agent-relationships into one model. This model provides a holistic understanding of the credit rating industry and illustrates the interdependence between the different relationships.

Elevers ansvar i skolan : En studie om pedagogers syn på elevansvar i grundskolans tidigare år

Background: Pupils? responsibilities are presented in the curriculum Lgr11 as a given thing. There has been some research in the field of pupil responsibility, but research covering school grades 1-3 could not be found. The study investigates theories of responsibility, pupil responsibility, power and pupil influence.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to find out the teachers? views on pupil responsibility.

Butikskoncept : Småföretagens överlevnad!

In the previous curriculum for the preschool Lpfö 98, the educational responsibility was documented belonging to all the team members. On the 1st of July 2011 a new curriculum was introduced to the preschool, Lpfö 98/10, where it is documented that the educational responsibility now belongs to the preschool teachers. According to curriculum experts at the Swedish school board this educational responsibility is not new, just a clarification of the preschool teacher?s educational responsibility.This study is a qualitative study and the purpose was to interview the preschool teachers about their thoughts concerning their educational responsibility. The purpose was also to examine if their educational responsibility has affected their role in the team at the preschool and if they believe that this has any significance for their profession.My result of the study shows that the educational responsibility of the preschool teachers now has been clarified and that they should take a leading role in the team towards the goals that are set for the preschool.

Skolbiblioteket ? spelar det någon roll? En studie av hur en friskola klarar sig utan skolbibliotek.

The aim of this bachelor thesis is to investigate how one independent senior high school without a school library regards the role of school libraries. (What is their view of information literacy? Do they manage to reach the goals of Lpf 94 and the goals of each school subject without a school library of their own?). We have chosen to interview the principal and two teachers. Our major findings are that the public library in our study has been given the role of a school library, a role we think it can not fulfil.

Berättelsen om Ann : etik i Stig Larssons roman Nyår

The aim of this study is to examine if Kenneth, a character in the novel Nyår by Stig Larsson, takes his ethical responsibility for one of the characters that appears in one section of the book, Ann. Nyår has often been related to morality. This study shows that Levinas philosophy of ethics is a supplement to the discussion of morality. According to Levinas, a person that acts in a non-moral way still can act in a righteous ethical way. With this starting point, it is possible to be close to the text and to bring out new perspectives on the novel.

Konstitutionsutskottet och Regeringskontrollen - En studie av kontrollmaktens utövande i enkammarriksdagen 1971-2007

The purpose of this study is to examine how parliament executes its responsibility of oversight against the government. In Sweden, parliamentary oversight of the government rests with a standing committee of parliament known as the constitutional committee.Drawing on general principal-agent theory I construct a model in which members of the constitutional committee are seen as agents in double and conflicting agency assignments. This constitutes a problem for the agent. Since it is the party group in parliament that controls the fulfilment of the agents? objectives, the agent is presumed to follow the party assignment to the detriment of the parliament assignment.The model generates two hypotheses concerning they type of oversight we should expect the members of the constitutional committee to perform against the government.

I skolreformernas kölvatten : Statligt kontrollbehov och synen på skolan som agent

This thesis examines the effects of the Swedish school reforms that took place in the early 1990?s. Theories such as Principal-Agent, Stewardship and Lipsky?s street-level bureaucracy are discussed as well as New Public Management (NPM). These reforms were heavily influenced by NPM, causing an increased level of street-level bureaucracy, and according to Principal-Agent theory some outcomes could have been predicted.

Eget ansvar i skolans utbildning : En kvalitativ undersökning av elevers och lärares uppfattningar av elevens eget ansvar i skolans utbildning

A subject that is being discussed often these days is the question about the pupils own responsibility for and influence over his or hers education. Therefore, we wanted to study what taking responsibility for ones education is, according to teachers and pupils. We interviewed pupils between the ages of nine and fifteen, and asked them what taking responsibility for their own education meant to them. We also interviewed their teachers and asked them how they perceived that the pupils own responsibility-taking worked. We used informants from two different schools, a big school in a city and a small school located in the countryside.

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